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Keep Track of KPIs

Easy and Simple to Use Dashboard

The latest AI (artificial intelligence) technologies can be used to monitor automatically any business activity and to spot early on potential threats or failures. Anomaly detection has a wide range of applications. For instance, you can use AI to monitor constantly internal security cameras and when something strange is detected, you can alert a human operator to check the situation. This technique is also used to monitor transactions and spot any possible fraudulent activity. An Anomaly Detection system is a great long-term investment for a business. Indeed the ability to detect in time severe failures can save millions of dollars.

Another good reason to adopt an Anomaly Detection system is that it works automatically in the background and it requires little effort to be maintained. For instance, we can design an anomaly detection system for an e-Commerce website that effortlessly monitor all data generated by the business activity 24/7, thanks to machine learning algorithms. 

The anomalies spotted by the algorithm can give extremely important insights: sudden spikes or drops in sales, malfunctioning of the website, pricing errors, and many others. Moreover, an advanced Anomaly Detection system once identified an anomaly can directly alert the person in charge of that business area so the issue can be fixed as soon as possible. 

Anomaly Detection can be also used to monitor 24/7 hundreds of security cameras at the same time. Artificial Intelligence has become nowadays very good at image recognition; So it is possible to design an AI Anomaly Detection system with image recognition capabilities. Such a system could easily: spot intruders, alert for an accident, detect errors in the production line, and many more. For instance, we could develop an anomaly detection system to identify and sort out any defective products passing by on a conveyor belt by just installing a camera.

Our Process

We always start by identifying what are your main business challenges and by understanding what is your desired outcome. It is important to take enough time to deeply analyze the business and make sure we are on the same page. In this phase, we also define the most valuable data streams sources (website data, financial transactions, security cameras, etc...) that can be monitored for our clients.

Once we have a good understanding of your business we can start planning, estimating the time and resources needed for the project. It is also important in this phase to define a clear target to achieve so we know when the project is completed. in particular, we define the anomaly detection system capabilities and features. We also decide if it is necessary to develop a comprehensive alter system with emails or SMS that automatically contact the human supervisors.

When designing the appropriate solution we always privilege simplicity and usability. In this phase, we need your support to get access to all databases needed to deploy the project. We will submit also a list of anomalies that happened in the past that could be detected by our algorithm. In this way, we make sure that the algorithm is detecting anomalies that are relevant for the business.

Once we have your approval on the anomalies to be detected by the alghorithm, we deliver and run the anolmaly detection system. We always include a dashboard that can be used to monitor the activities of the algorithm, and the list of the most recent relevant anolamies detected. Eventually we can also include in the dashboard a list of anomalies detected with secondary bussiness relevance.

Just delivering and deploying the dashboard is in most cases is not enough to solve our client's business problem. That's why we track the progress after the development of the project and we make sure that the solution we have design is used properly by our client organization.


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