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Dashborad KPI


Dashboards are a great tool to keep track of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and other important metrics constantly. We can automatically gather all data from multiple sources (CMS, CRM, ERP, etc...) and centralize all the useful information in one place. Dashboards are designed to be easy to access, easy to read, and interactive. We have found that a customized dashboard can cut up to 80% of the time spent by a manager in monitoring, tracking and reporting the business performances. 

Artificial Intelligence


In many business activities is necessary to perform a high volume of repetitive tasks, for instance: to check and register invoices, to add new clients to CRM, compliance reporting, etc... RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is a method that allows performing any tedious and repetitive activity with just one click. Moreover, a bot executing a repetitive task is also much less likely to commit any errors, so implementing RPA will increase both productivity and quality. The potential of this technology is tremendous; an Oxford University study estimated that by 2035 more than 35% of the workforce will be substituted by bots. 

Business Intelligence BI


In Data Sensum, we like to define Business intelligence as: "the art to deliver relevant and reliable information to the decision-makers at the right time to take action faster and better". Nowadays, companies own a massive amount of data but rarely they use them effectively to better serve their customer and grow their businesses. We help companies to adopt a data-driven approach and to use Business Intelligence to make well-informed and smarter decisions.



Moving from an obsolete system to a newer one is always a headshake. The main issue that a business face, in this case, is the Database Migration. Nobody wants to lose valuable data contained in the current system they are using, but transferring a database is not an easy task. Many companies, in fact, are still using today very old systems just because the effort needed to input all data in a better performing one is too high. Using a method called ETL (Extract, Transform, Load), we help companies to smoothly migrate into the new system without losing any valuable data in the process.



The ability to accurately predict future sales and customer demand, it's crucial for any business and can be the key to its success. Most of the companies are basing their forecast on sales pipelines and meetings, but those predictions are subjective and rarely precise. Instead, an accurate forecast should be based only on objective data such as historical sales, CRM activity, stock levels, etc...  Combining a large dataset with the most advanced machine learning algorithms, we can build accurate Forecast Models for our clients. Moreover, we can apply the same method to predict other variables such as raw material consumption, optimal stock level, etc...



The latest AI (artificial intelligence) technologies can be used to monitor automatically any business activity and to spot early on potential threats or failures. Anomaly detection has a wide range of applications. For instance, you can use AI to monitor constantly internal security cameras and when something strange is detected, you can alert a human operator to check the situation. This technique is also used to monitor transactions and spot any possible fraudulent activity. An Anomaly Detection system is a great longterm investment for a business. In fact, the ability to detect in time severe failures can save millions of dollars.



Many companies don't realize that the web is a huge database that can be harvested to collect useful data. This technique is referred to as "web scraping" (or "web crawling") and is applied by many different companies to extract data from the web. For instance, it can be used to monitor automatically competitors prices and offers or to create massive prospects clients list with the potential client contact details when publicly available. Surf the web looking for potential clients or business partners is a very time-consuming activity, using AI we can help our clients to do it much faster and effectively.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet nam sit, incidunt praesentium officia nihil voluptatem similique, numquam, eos eius magnam accusamus quia. Aspernatur minus unde, adipisci excepturi atque quibusdam?

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Amet nam sit, incidunt praesentium officia nihil voluptatem similique, numquam, eos eius magnam accusamus quia. Aspernatur minus unde, adipisci excepturi atque quibusdam?


About us

Data Sensum is a data science agency founded in 2019. We focus on consulting and data modeling, helping businesses to extract the maximum value from the data they own. Our expertise include machine learning, artificial intelligence, process automation, web scraping, and data visualization

Analyzing Data is our Passion

Boosting Growth is our Goal


29 Smithfield Market Block B
Dublin, Ireland


Email: info@datasensum.com 
Phone: +353 857443036
Phone +39 3407500372

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